“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” Albert Einstein

One Petition to Sign:
Tell Home Depot: Don't sell wood from critical boreal forest habitat

One Event You May Like:
Build a Habitat for Mother Nature’s Little Helpers
Bees, Bats and Birds! (Workshop)
4496 Grant St, Denver. Dec 14th 10:00-1:00

This Week’s Tips
Bring a reusable fork to parties with food
Use olive oil instead of butter
Use Tupperware over plastic baggies

On Going:
Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas.
Let me know what is going on in your neighborhood!

THIS IS WORKING! Your voice is important!
Shell Oil is a convicted criminal in Pennsylvania
Petitions usually take 15 seconds or less to sign. Click here to find more:
Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website