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CO Unite for Climate 11/20/24. Need a call by Friday! Or kiss freedom of speech goodbye!

“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” Albert Einstein

One Petition to Sign:

Tell Home Depot: Don't sell wood from critical boreal forest habitat

One Event You May Like:

Build a Habitat for Mother Nature’s Little Helpers

Bees, Bats and Birds! (Workshop)

4496 Grant St, Denver. Dec 14th 10:00-1:00

This Week’s Tips

Bring a reusable fork to parties with food

Use olive oil instead of butter

Use Tupperware over plastic baggies

On Going:

Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas.

Let me know what is going on in your neighborhood!

THIS IS WORKING!   Your voice is important!

Shell Oil is a convicted criminal in Pennsylvania

Petitions usually take 15 seconds or less to sign.  Click here to find more:

Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website

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