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CO Unite for Climate 11/5/24. SHOW UP to stop fracking!

“You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, and that’s how we’re going to protect the Earth.”

Julia Butterfly Hill

One Petition to Sign:

From Environment CO - Ask Orville Redenbacher to commit to buying popcorn from farmers who do not use pesticides

Tuesday Nov 12th 6:30 PM 5334 S. Prince

This Week’s Tips

Know the top contributors to our carbon footprint

Try creating zero waste for one day

Enjoy a candle lit dinner

On Going:

On Going:

Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas.

Let me know what is going on in your neighborhood!

THIS IS WORKING!   Your voice is important!

Consumers embrace Ireland’s first bottle deposit return scheme - Looking forward to US catching up!

Petitions usually take 15 seconds or less to sign.  Click here to find more:

Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website

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