“The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.”
Joshua Becker

One Petition to Sign:
Center for Biological Diversity - Stop the Attacks on Colorado Wolves https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/TS9PpxPFkkqr24mG9TEr8g2?sourceid=1009609&utm_source=action&utm_medium=email&contactdata=i8Z3mdfNhaQhHoNFs0FTWpUrCLkfMWKAj+thOvjYNQiGM57yf1L7v7GglyEKfapDIwYGXvQp+XqSa36vHIa6ygm%2fQhyFgwHaJzvaaDowHo8wEKwA4Fn61m73PvwxRFUbTvTE7+VeCZUz64G2rhJnyzzFsxe9ZyRBQoy2M%2feVmPfiJcHgwlDId4QrhaVIDPOhTrhfkZdUPPMfDSMfmOGpfnQRLXMeZNVM2AMDgVuSh6w%3d&emci=c5a04059-5392-ef11-8474-000d3a98fa6b&emdi=b5a89f9d-3595-ef11-88ce-000d3a98fa6b&ceid=2259629

One Upcoming Meetup
CO Water Trust Happy Hour - Boulder Nov 13th, 5-7:00PM

This Week’s Tips
Browse cold items with the fridge door closed
Cook smaller pieces of food
Know what climate change is

On Going:
Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas. I will keep you posted! Jane Fonda was in Denver yesterday, what an honor to meet her!

THIS IS WORKING! Your voice is important!
Colorado program provides free tuition for students in in-demand fields!
Petitions usually take 15 seconds or less to sign. Click here to find more:
Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website