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CO Unite for Climate 10/16/24 Go Farm Harvest Dinner Coming Up!

“Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.“

Desmond Tutu, Former Archbishop of Cape Town

One Petition to sign:

Tell Nutrien Ag to take neonic-coated seeds off the shelves!

One Upcoming Meetup

Go Farm Harvest Dinner Golden Nov 14th 6:00-9:00

This Week’s Tips

Soak stubborn dishes before scrubbing

Do not use disposable razors

Wash our hair less

On Going:

Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas.  I will keep you posted!

Greenpeace Letterwriting - Last week to get letters!

THIS IS WORKING!  Your voice is important!

Sylvia Earle's optimism fuels record growth in 'Hope Spots' for ocean conservation

Petitions usually take 30 seconds or less to sign.  Click here to find more:

Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website

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