"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads."
Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"

One Petition to sign:
From Safe & Healthy Colorado to phase out fracking in Colorado

One Upcoming Meetup
Save the Aurora Reservoir Meeting Sunday 9-22 @ 1:00

Nothing I can find right now....

This Week’s Tips:
Reuse sandwich bags
Choose one thing to eat raw
Choose the lonely banana

On Going:
Fighters of pollution in Aurora & Erie still have opportunities to stop the fracking in areas. I will keep you posted!

THIS IS WORKING! We need your voice too!
Colorado is becoming a leader in constructing wildlife crossings — and there's much more to come!

I am looking to expand the reach of this site. Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering a couple of hours a week. Positions would include, but not limited to Creative Director, Website Manager, Calendar Management, Social Media Director, and Outreach.
Petitions usually take 30 seconds or less to sign. Click here to find more:
Websites with Petitions, see (P) after agency name on Website